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Squash Programs conducted at Kallang Squash Center

Inter School Group (Secondary School players who competes in NSG)

Age Groups: 13 and above


Time Slot: 

Sat 10-12pm or 12-2pm

Sun: 10-12pm or 12-2pm


Drills, Condition Games, Match Play, PT




Level 1 & 1.5


Age: From 6 yr old and above. Beginners


Technical Session, learn new skills, starting to play games 


Time Slot:

Sat: 10-12pm or

Sun: 2-4pm






Level 2

Intermediate Match Training

Players who can consistently hit the ball to the back court. Games Ready and Starting to participate in tournaments. Selection by Coach.


Time Slot: 

Sat 8-10am or 10-12pm. Technical Session


Sun 8-10am.Games Sense Training, Solo, Drills, Matches, Strength and PT. Independent Learning environment

Level 3

Intermediate Match Training

Players who can consistently hit the ball to the back court and retrieve the ball out of back court. Tournaments Ready. Selection by Coach.


Time Slot: 

Sat 12-2pm. Technical Session


Sun 10-12pm.Games Sense Training, Solo, Drills, Matches, Strength and PT. Independent Learning environment

Level 4 Advanced 


By Invitation Only


Competes in NSL League



Saturday (2-4pm)

Sunday (12 to 2pm)


Guided Drills, Tactical, Technical Match Training with Sparring Partner. 



U.S Invitational 2023 Results:

1-1 Technique Session for Adults and Kids

1-1 Private Training with Ultimate Squasher group of coaches 


Contact Sandra Wu to arrange for a suitable private coach for you.


Coaching Fees: from $90 to $120 per session


Email U.S your preferred day & time slot

Group Trial Session for Juniors @ $40

(worth $78)


Sign up here

Level 1,2,3,4 Definition: 



Level 1: Beginners

Level 2: Game Ready

Can the ball hit to back court but unable to get the ball off back court. Able to do solo drives to 3/4 court consistently. 


Level 3: Competition Ready

Can hit the ball to back court & able to get the ball off back court. Able to do solo drives to back court consistently. Able to do Simple Closed Drills


Level 4: Inter School, NSL League and above

Able to do more Complex Open Drills 

New Squash Programs conducted at Chinese Swimming Club and Singapore Island Country Club from 2023 onwards. Call or email us for more info.

Email to: for more info and fees.
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